
This website is about genealogy and family research of the Speckbrock family. Feel free to look around, and if you like it, or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

If you carry the Speckbrock family name or the name appears in your family, feel free to contact me. I will be happy to look for a connection to the family tree known so far. To date all Speckbrock family names researched have been found to originate in Datteln.

I am looking forward to contact requests and feedback,
Sebastian Speckbrock

Family history needs your participation

If you can contribute something to the history or the family tree of the Speckbrock family, I would be pleased if you contact me (familienforschung@speckbrock.de) or/and register here on this website as a user.

It doesn't matter if it's an old family tree or an (old) photo, a newspaper article, an obituary or any other text, or if you can just add information about your immediate family. Anything that has a connection to the Speckbrock family is of interest. Many small fragments can often lead to bigger connections and therefore every bit of information is important.


Research subject

I am searching for people with the Speckbrock family name and their partners along with any interesting stories about these people. My research into the Speckbrock family history is worldwide and not limited to a specific region.

Fellow researchers who are looking for connections to their own research are invited to contact me via e-mail at familienforschung@speckbrock.de!

Data protection and copyright

The data on this website (personal data, pictures/media files etc.) are taken from public sources (archives, newspapers, websites etc.) or from information provided by family members. The compilation is the result of many years of work and is subject to copyright.

Data on this website may only be used for personal purposes. Any other use of this data is expressly prohibited, especially any commercial use. The personal data of living persons in this family tree are subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Click here for more information on our privacy policy.

To protect the privacy rights of living and deceased persons, access to the data is regulated as follows:

  • Visitors to the site who are not registered and logged in will only have access to individuals who died more than 30 years ago or individuals born more than 110 years ago and the corresponding media files.
  • Interested family members have the option to register as users. After registering and logging in, they then have access to the family data of their closer relatives.
  • Research colleagues please contact me directly by e-mail. I will be happy to answer questions and to match personal data. However, for legal reasons, full access to my own database will not be granted.


Some important persons (favorites in the right column)

For technical reasons a translation cannot be done directly in the right column. Here is the translation:

  • Henrich Speckbrock (marriage around 1610)
    Henrich Speckbrock is the oldest ancestor known by name. Around the year 1610 he married Catharina, whose surname is unknown, as are the dates of birth and death of the couple. These two are the top ancestors of the family tree.
  • Nicolaus Speckbrock (1773-1825)
    Nicolaus Speckbrock was born in Datteln in 1773 and died in Waltrop in 1825. Together with his wife Angela Elisabeth Hülsbusch, he is the ancestor of the Waltrop branch of the Speckbrock family, to which the vast majority of the Speckbrocks living today can be traced.
  • Johann Heinrich Speckbrock (1856-1909)
    Johann Heinrich (Henry) Speckbrock was born in Datteln in 1856 and emigrated to the USA via Antwerp and New York in 1882. In Milwaukee (Wisconsin) he founded a family with his wife Rose Merten. They are the starting point of the U.S. branch of the Speckbrock family.


Henrich Speckbrock + Catharina NN.
Marriage: about 1610
Henrich Speckbrock ist der älteste Vorfahre, der namentlich bekannt ist. Um das Jahr 1610 hat er Catharina geheiratet, deren Nachname ebenso unbekannt ist, wie die Geburts- und Sterbedaten des Paares. Diese beiden sind die Spitzenahnen des Stammbaums.
Birth: February 9, 1773 30 Datteln
Death: January 29, 1825Waltrop
Nicolaus Speckbrock ist 1773 in Datteln geboren und 1825 in Waltrop gestorben. Gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Angela Elisabeth Hülsbusch ist er der Begründer des Waltroper Zweiges der Familie Speckbrock, auf den zahlenmäßig die allermeisten der heute lebenden Speckbrocks zurückgehen.
Birth: December 9, 1856 46 44 Datteln
Death: November 25, 1909Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Johann Heinrich (Henry) Speckbrock ist 1856 in Datteln geboren und 1882 über Antwerpen und New York in die USA ausgewandert. In Milwaukee (Wisconsin) hat er mit seiner Frau Rose Merten eine Familie gegründet hat. Von ihnen geht der US-Zweig der Familie Speckbrock aus.
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